Neighbourhood Chaplains
Passionate about being alongside the lonely and isolated in our community of Kendal.
NEW Community Hub
Every Wednesday, 10am - 1pm. Kendal Town Hall
Since October 2022 our Neighbourhood Chaplains team have been hosting a warm space at Kendal Town hall, amidst the ‘cost of living crisis’. Since then, our space that runs every Wednesday from 10am until 1pm has become very popular. We have now secured funding to run this until March 2024. Not only do we want to keep warm but provide a place of belonging and support. We are so pleased this has become a place for people to gain support and befriending. We now get regularly up to 30 people every week into our space. FREE refreshments & Wifi.
'Around 20% of the UK population is lonely, and half of these
people experience chronic long-term loneliness' - Red Cross 2018
We believe that loneliness isn't just physical and emotional, it's spiritual.
Colin Johnson has been community visiting in his local community since 2006. He found many people who like to have contact with Christians but who won’t necessarily come to church. Many in our neighbourhoods are lonely and isolated, others have questions about the meaning of life and wonder if there is a God and if there is where he is to be found.
Colin realised his work involved three areas: building relationships with strangers, befriending those people and offering practical help from time to time (doing some shopping etc). Colin founded Neighbourhood Chaplains in his local town of Leighton Buzzard to cover these three areas and Counties have developed the idea into a national scheme. There are three types of volunteer: those who are able to talk to strangers and make new contacts, those who are good listeners and befrienders and those who are good at practical things e.g. mowing a lawn, doing some shopping etc.
Following a recent Community Audit across Kendal in June 2019, we discovered as a church that the top 4 issues within our community were; Crime, more youth activities, parking, and loneliness and isolation.
This is when we considered where we could make a difference as a church with the resources we had. Due to not being able to do much about Crime and parking we felt led to explore setting Neighbourhood Chaplains in our town.
We discovered that, 3.9 million say TV is their main 'company’ (Age UK, 2014) and also other research showed that almost 10% of people aged 16 to 24 were "always or often" lonely - the highest proportion of any age group (ONS). We will be concentrating our efforts in estates where we have connections already- i.e church members who live their already.
Will be launching in January 2020 and starting with one street at a time but delivering cards offering support. A few days later we will return to follow up those who would like a visit. This help could be anything from simple befriending to helping hands with some basic gardening. Check out what we're planning to do from our local newspaper, the Westmorland Gazette.
To find out more contact our Neighbourhood Chaplains Co-ordinator Jonny Gios,
07388 620688 or hello@gatewaychurchkendal.org

A short video update as to where we are as a church at the moment. Why not come and join the journey of Church Planting in Kendal.
Hug in a mug
In May 2022 our Neighbourhood Chaplains team partnered with Herdy UK to distribute 600 Herdy mugs and goodies to 600 people across Kendal. We particular focused on the 3 estates profiled below to those who were lonely and isolated. We met many people on doorsteps who were experiencing personal challenges and these came at the right time to after such a challenging few years with Covid-19.
Our Areas of Priority Focus
A popular estate with views over looking the Lake District and close to St Thomas’s School. Hallgarth has a great resident association.
Kirkbarrow is situation to the west of Kendal and is close to Kendal College. A close knitt community with lots of potential.
Sandylands estate is a thriving community with one of the best Spar shops in the UK. It has one of the best play areas in Kendal.
Meet the Team