Help us to help those who need our support with physical, emotional and spiritual needs with God’s mission.
As a church we want to be free to use our funds in the best possible way to enable our mission and ministry in Kendal to flourish. We are passionate about establishing Neighbourhood Chaplains which seeks to come alongside those in our community who are lonely and isolated. We do not have a building, so we don't pay a mortgage but from time to time we will hire buildings to run programmes from.
We would also would like to host various programmes in the community, and one such programme is Give a Day Kendal, which promotes and encourages people within our town to be actively involved with whatever they have a passion for! We seek to employ a community connector in the near future to join some dotes in the community and help establish our core team going forward. We do lots of mission and outreach across our town and would welcome financial assistance to those costs to reach many who are far from God. Download a direct debit form from Stewardship for regular givers
Please continue to give if possible. The church continues to operate during these turbulent times and cost won’t be significantly less just because we are not meeting together on Sundays. However, we're stepping up our generosity across our Town to support those who are lonely and isolated in our community.
Make a donation.
We don’t have a building - so costs don’t go into bricks and mortar but people and places. We’re passionate our mission and being a church that is in the community working WITH those who need support, physically, mentally, emotionally and most important spiritually. Thank you for your gift - its means a lot!