Welcome to Gateway Church
Helping people find their way back to God
“It was an amazing day out thank you so much for organising this and thank you for a presents for the kids at the end they loved it from start to finish was just brill defo be waiting for next years , it was hassle free and easy to book...”
We're a small team with a big vision
Sunday mornings at 10.30am
South Lakes Foyer off Blackhall Road
What happens at our gatherings…
We will be gathering every Sunday at South Lakes Foyer from January 2025- it’s relaxed, informal and discussion around tables. With refreshments before and after! Our worship is contemporary and our heart for our community is huge! Here’s a short video of how you park up and get to us…We'd love to welcome you this Sunday! A list of our up and coming gatherings are here

We belong to the family of churches call Free Methodist, who have a strong vision to plant 100 churches or more by 2034…Free Methodist history dates back over 150 years. The Free Methodist Church in America was first organised by a group of lay members and ministers at Pekin, New York on 23 August 1860. The name ‘Free’ was chosen because the newly established Methodist Church wanted freedom for all. This included freedom for slaves, freedom from secret societies and freedom from materialism in order to help the poor. The group always wanted free seats in church and a style of service which allowed freedom for the Holy Spirit to minister. The name ‘Methodist’ was retained because the founders wanted to promote Wesleyan theology. This keeps the Bible as the centre of everything we believe and opens door for all people everywhere to hear the good news of Jesus.
Our Articles of Religion are based on the 39 Articles of the Anglican Church. These were originally drawn up by John Wesley for the Methodist Church overseas. The Free Methodist Church emphasises scriptural holiness, practical godliness, social concern, Christian education, evangelism and foreign missions.